Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Jensen's

Christmas 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

This year has been filled with tons of things - rocks to be more specific. In February, we moved into our new home just outside of Blackfoot which meant that in the spring, we began the work of getting the yard ready to plant grass. After renting a bobcat and a rock rake we decided that heavy equipment should not be run by novices like ourselves. Chuck felt like he had been riding a bucking bronco all day - not that he has ever ridden one - but you get the idea. And, the equipment didn't do as good of a job as we had hoped - We were hoping to get out of all the raking. We didn't. We raked and raked and raked and raked until we had nice, thick calluses on our soft city hands (I guess we really did move to the country). Then after the rains came, more rocks appeared - magically! Did you know that rocks multiply like rabbits, except that the gestation period is much shorter. So, after much manual labor, we finally planted the grass seed, put our rakes down and prayed that the grass would grow. Thankfully, it did. By next summer, we should have nice thick grass to play frisbee, or football, or volleyball, or kickball, or whatever we want. One nice thing about last summer - no mowing!

Our family has grown this year - no, we did not have another child. All of the girls have changed shoe sizes at least 3 times and then it seemed like the "floods" came much more quickly. Here is a run down of what they are doing:

Emily (12) is in the 7th grade at the Middle School and will officially be a teenager in February, although she has been practicing to become one for months now. She decided to skip choir this year and try her hand at the flute. We rented a flute through the summer and Emily taught herself how to play and caught up to rest of her class, who were in band last year. She enjoys piano and has made a lot of progress. She loves being in Young Women's and has served as the secretary for her class. This last summer, Emily participated (with her parents) in the youth pioneer trek at Martin's Cove and Sixth Crossing. We had a memorable experience representing our direct ancestors, the Mortensen family, who were in the Willie Company. Emily's favorite part was playing in the stream.

Colie (11) attends a school entirely for 6th graders. She decided to play the trumpet this year and is one of the best in her class. Her teacher even asked her to switch classes in order to help some of the struggling trumpet players. She was thrilled when she played a short solo at her Christmas concert. Colie just finished playing basketball and learned a lot. She is very quick and usually had 3 to 4 steals each game. We had so much watching her play. Her favorite subject in school (besides band) is math. Colie is busy taking piano lessons and memorizes her pieces very quickly. She was very excited to play Fur Elise.

Katie (8) absolutely loves school. As a third grader, she enjoys learning pretty much about everything. She turned eight this year and was baptized by Chuck. She was so excited. This fall she had her tonsils taken out and tubes put in her ears and was miserable for about five days but didn't complain at all. She was happy to finally eat real food again. Over time her eating habits have improved, eating meat now, only if there is plenty of BBQ sauce to smother it in. The day she eats mashed or baked potatoes is the day you will hear a tremendous cheer coming from Southeast Idaho. Katie began piano lessons in June and has made tremendous progress - isn't it amazing what practicing will do! She likes to read and recently finished the first two volumes of Fablehaven. Even Chuck, who has been tethered to history and church books, branched out to read Fablehaven with his daughters. Although the second volume has been checked out for nearly two months now, he still hasn't finished it, but vows he will. Katie is a tenderhearted and always tries to do what she knows is right.

Lauren (6) graduated from preschool in May. She enjoys kindergarten and rides the bus to and from school. We weren't sure how she was going to adapt to this, but she put on a brave face and has ridden that big bus every day. A couple of months ago, Lauren wanted to make a Nephi chart and keep track of the times she acted like Nephi in the Book of Mormon. She was a different girl from the day the chart was made. She was disappointed when a mark was made on the Laman and Lemuel side. That story changed all of our lives for the better. She loves to pretend Primary, school, and house in her make believe world. She gathers everything she needs around her and basically "sets up camp".

Hallie (4) is a bundle of fun, smiles and giggles. We love listening to Hallie pray. Although there were a few times when Mom was caught off guard and burst out laughing (oops), we think Heavenly Father must have been giggling too. A month ago, we were driving past the Rexburg Temple and Chuck enthusiastically asked her if she could see the Angel Moroni on top. She contemplatively responded, "No, I think it's Laman."

Chuck (almost 40! Yeah, baby bring it on!) has really enjoyed his work at Basic American Foods in Blackfoot as a planning analyst and statistician and has received some good recognition for his contributions. He recently finished teaching a beginning statistics class for some of the managers and engineers at the company which was very successful. All Kristin knows is that that stuff is way over her head! Chuck continues to work with the young men in the ward and is loving every minute of it. Being a kid at heart helps him manage a bunch of twelve year olds.

Chuck traveled quite a bit this year for work which wasn't so fun, however, when it enabled the two of us to get away to Boston and New England for several days (using frequent flier miles and hotel points), it all seemed worth it! We spent several days in Boston and New England visiting Chuck's sister and seeing the historical sights as well as the changing fall leaves. We especially enjoyed Sharon, VT, Marblehead, MA, Lexington and Concord, Portland, ME and the New England clam "chowda." It was great to check that off our list of places we want to go in our lifetime.

Kristin (ageless) has been busy with the usual - laundry, cooking, chauffeuring, cleaning, grocery shopping, tutoring, nursing, volunteering, etc - all the basic mom things. She still serves as the ward music chairman and frequently needs to convince people that they really do want to share their talents with the ward for a musical number. It really isn't too bad. And, most importantly, Kristin is finally feeling like she belongs in Idaho and that country living agrees with her. It's taken almost two years to get the city out of this girl. No traffic, quiet streets, staying in her PJ's until noon, finding a good parking space a Walmart, and small checkout lines are all great perks.

One of the highlights of the year was the return of Grandma and Grandpa Jensen from their mission in Oakland, CA. The girls have had so much fun riding bikes to their house, sleeping over, riding grandpa's 4-wheeler, and just living close to them. Their influence in our lives is truly a wonderful thing. And lest you think that all we did was nearly work ourselves to death in our yard this summer, we should mention that we did have fun playing at Bear Lake for the Jensen family reunion and hiking Stewart Falls as part of the Gordon reunion. Watching BYU football games was also a treat, especially when Chuck, Emily, and Colie attended the BYU-Utah rivalry game and had their picture taken with the legendary coach, Lavell Edwards.

In all, our family has had a good year. The Lord has truly blessed us for which we are so thankful. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New.


Angie said...

Merry Christmas Jensen family! It's nice to catch up and read about you. Your girls are really growing up!

Esau and Daphney said...

Happy Holidays to you all! I loved watching Hallie put the chickens away. She is sooo cute as are the rest of your girls!

ALTA said...

Hey Chuck and Kristin,
I've tried to hunt you down a few different times because I thought it would be fun to see how you were doing, but I was never successful. Tonight I found your blog. It doesn't look like you use it much, but I thought you'd get an email if I left you a comment...
Send me your email address... I'd love to catch up with you!
Alta Bromwell

ALTA said...

I think you can pull my email address from my comment but if you can't my email is

Anonymous said...

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